Awareness Session conducted with Elderly Refugees on "Health issues associated with Aging and its preventive measures" was conducted by Health team with support from PWSN and Community Mobalisation Teams

Awareness Session conducted with Elderly Refugees on "Health issues associated with Aging and its preventive measures" was conducted by Health team with support from PWSN and Community Mobalisation Teams


On 26th August 2019, an Awareness session with Elderly refugees on "Health issues associated with Aging and its preventive measures" was conducted by Health team with support from PWSN and Community Mobalisation Teams. 
They were briefed about the natural process of aging, including physical, mental and social changes. They were addressed and explained about BOSCO Social Project and issues relating to financial and social concerns of the elderly refugees. BOSCO's PSEA cards were also distributed. 
The participants benefited to their maximum during this event.