Bridge and Tuition Classes and Admission to Schools

Bridge and Tuition Classes and Admission to Schools

Refugee children who lack basic knowledge are taught at Bridge classes. These classes follow the Montessori Method of teaching, which helps the children to adapt to studying in classes before they are able to join regular schools. 

The children are tutored and prepared for getting admission in the Government schools. Academic, Financial, administrative and procedural assistance is also provided to the child for their admission. At present we have two hundred and sixty children that are enrolled in the bridge classes, who we are fostering to get admission in other schools.

Our needs grow larger with children. Once these children are admitted to regular schools, the outreach centres consider themselves responsible for the development of these children.

Every day, after school, the children attend tuition classes. In the shoes of a parent the centres’ conduct follow up by visiting schools, meeting the teachers and keeping track of the children's performances and progress reports. It is heartening to receive positive feedback from the schools about the performance of the children and also their good results of class tests and final examinations. The children develop a close relationship with the members at these centres that provide them the needed environment that they might often lack at home. The excellence is considered a pride by their community and society. Our requirements fulfilment is to see such children develop into responsible and self-reliant individuals.